With the  iphone, the potential with apps to do away with the amount of paperwork is becoming a reality, i'd like to see more on them, the apps I've posted below will hopefully help out the S&T out on the track.

There are also many apps that could help us too, such as 'Where am I' (NR only app) and also the St Johns Ambulance app which gives hands free step-by-step CPR instructions.

All apps are free, unless stated.

Please note: I am not responsible for third party applications, any advertisements contained within them, or any unexpected data costs.

The latest app I'm playing with is the Distance App. (Search 'Find My Distance' on the app store). Using either maps or satellite view you can go to a location and draw a line with your finger and it will give the distance. I've tested it on my own area between to reference points such as a bridge and LC (objects I know the mileages of according to the sectional appendix) and it seems to be very accurate to within less than a metre. Obviously you NEED fixed reference points you can see on the app, but most of the time this isn't a problem. Give it a try and see what you think. It could be used (if approved) to work out the sighting distance for lookouts. But remember it is NOT APPROVED for this method, so it just for fun at the moment.

Price: FREE

The clinometer app could be a useful tool when setting up bands on a semaphore signal, or the bands/microswitches on barriers. Obviously not a calibrated NR instrument, but the clinometers we use in the S&T aren't either!

Price: FREE

itorch, this uses your phones camera flash to light up anything in an emergency, it is surprisingly bright and is great as an emergency torch when you've left yours behind, your torch batts die or you need a smaller inspection torch! 

Note: the new update IOS7 now has a built in torch by sliding the bottom of the screen up to turn on & off.

Price: FREE

Nav Free for the UK and ROI, its a great sat nav app. I've used this no end of times and its very accurate and has never let me down. I actually bought a sat nav app and it was rubbish, forever losing the GPS signal and leaving me behind! Never have to buy or subscribe to a sat nav again!

(Please be aware that its quite a big app in size, so download it via wifi and not 3G!)

Price: FREE

The iphone HD camera is a great tool to show your supervisor or control what is happening, what has happened, or what tools/equipment are required to finish a job. Its also a great tool to gather evidence in an incident. A picture spells out a thousand words. However, if the photo area is large, you'll have to send multiple pictures, well not any anymore! Photosynth enables you to take multiple shots, it then stitches them together to make one big panoramic view. Try it!

Price: FREE

Map My Walk. This you might think is an usual app, but its actually very handy! Its a great app that uses very accurate GPS to map your walk, but, it is also handy for pacing out for a cable job!

Turn it on, set it up, and walk down the troughing route, it will track your exact route and give you a reading at the end. Perfect when you've no wheel or on an emergency cable job that needs pacing now! (I am not responsible for too short cables!!!)

Price: FREE

'Near me' is a search tool that uses your location to give you everything nearby. Apart from the main reason being to give you day-to-day stuff such as ATM's and shops etc, it also gives you the nearest Hospital, something you may need on your safe system of work brief at an unfamiliar location.

Price: FREE

Most people who have a Network Rail iphone, also have their own iphone. 'Find my iphone' app is a good tool to track down either phones if you have lost them. Just set the app up using an email address and search. You can also disable the iphone remotely using this app.

Price: FREE

Decibel Ultra. A useful little app, that measures decibels, so you know when to wear ear protection. Anything over 85db(A), and ear protection MUST be considered.

Price: FREE

02 Priority Moments. Available to all NR employees, this app is full of discounts and freebies from a wide range of shops snd services. Just download and register to start using.




Price: FREE

If you have found any apps that maybe useful to fellow colleagues, please share in the Forum.