The sectional appendix is online, but because the files are so big you can’t email it through NR or open it everytime you need it.
There is a way round it though, by following instructions below:
1. In app store download an app called ‘Downloads lite’, (in search box type in ‘Downloads’ and the lite (free) version comes up first).
2. When downloaded, open app. Click on browser on bottom left.
3. In Google search box type in ‘Network Rail Sectional Appendix’ and click search (it is the second search result on Google results).
4. On NR page; Select your area on the right. The app will then give the options to:
‘open, download, or copy’,
select download, and then ‘done’ in top right.
5. It will then download in ‘downloads’ section in app.
6. When it is successfully downloaded it will be stored in ‘files’ section permanently to view anytime.